
Steps to learn how to cut a Ham

Cutting ham is an art. The virtuosity of professionals is difficult to achieve, but cutting quickly, profitably and elegantly is within everyone's reach. You will see it in this manual to guide you step by step. Don't try to learn it by heart. If the first time doesn't turn out perfect, don't worry, start with another ham, surely no one will protest at home.


The best way to keep the ham is to cut it regularly. However, avoid to have it in a place with humidity. Keep it in a dry and ventilated place, covered with a cotton cloth, not plastic. Keep a wide strip of fat to cover the cut and keep it juicy. This way it will be perfectly preserved at normal house temperatures.

mantenimiento de jamon iberico
mantenimiento de jamon iberico


The Ham Stand, long and thin, will be the one we will use the most | A wide and strong knife | A short, pointed knife.
Sharpen them every time you go cutting. Always place your free hand behind the path of the knife. If this is not possible, make sure there is an obstacle between the knife and your free hand.


The ham stand allows you to cut more safely and without getting dirty.
Placement in the ham stand: always start with the thinnest side. Place it as in the image.

jamonero como se corta un jamon

4. The three rules of art

Como se corta el jamon

1. Clean before slicing

Clean a band of 4 or 5 cm. around the area you’ll cut, removing any tough skins, leaving only a thin edge of fat, and removing any excess fat. That way the slices will be ready for tasting. Although we do not eat it, fat is essential for the quality of the ham. (The more fat, the juicier and less salty the ham will taste).


2. Slice with the flat knife

Take small, thin slices. You should always cut each slice with the knife in one direction, using the entire edge. Do not swing and try to have a wide horizontal cut.

Como se corta el jamon corte cruzado

3. Cross cut against the bones

When we come across a bone, with the small pointed knife, we separate the bone from the ham. Then we slice flat against that cut. When the two cuts cross, the slices come off on their own.

mapas de zonas y como se corta el jamon

4. Zone maps

Babilla | Maza | Cadera


5. Peel off the cortex

We start by peel off the cortex. We will use the large knife and do cross cuts. Below the small protrusion A, make a deep circular cut all the way around the bone. Peel off the cortez into strips.


6. Zone cut: Babilla (1)

Clean first the skin and bacon. Then, remember, peel the edges of the cut before slicing. With the short knife separate the bone. Go slicing flat against the stifle bone. Keep a horizontal cut as in the image.


7. Zone cut: Babilla (2)

When the bones B appear, separate them from the meat with the short knife. Keep slicing as long as you can keep the knife flat. If you have to tilt it to peel the bone, it's time to turn the ham over.


8. Zone cut: Maza

Clean first the skin and fat until you reach the ham mea. Then, remember, always peel the cut edges before slicing. You can slice against cut A to take advantage of all the ham. Keep a horizontal cut as in the image. Continue slicing until you reach bone C.


9. Cut area: Cadera

1 – With the small knife go around the bone. Slice against bone C, which will be peeled. Keep the cut the entire length of the piece, as in the photo. Finish the piece by cutting into tasty dices around the bone.